About me

I love challenges and can't stop learning.

My name is Ambiorix Rodriguez. I am from the Dominican Republic. I have been passionate about computer science and programming since a young age. I have solid experience in Asterisk and VoIP in general. Additionally, I am a skilled web programmer and a Linux system administrator from the old school. As I mentioned earlier, I love challenges and never stop learning new technologies. So, feel free to contact me, and I will be ready to help you without delay.

I believe in teamwork, so I am always willing to listen to new ideas.

So you can contact me, and I will gladly help you with your project, whether it's big or small; for me, they're all important.

Message me; I'll reply within 24 hours.

Some of My Skills


Voice expert

I am a specialist in IP telephony with over 20 years of experience. I have solid experience with Asterisk, FreePBX, VICIDIAL, as well as other platforms like Twilio, FusionPBX, and 3CX. My work has not only involved implementation and support but also the development of customized solutions.

Web Development

Full Stack developer

Solida experiencia en desarollo de soluciones webs conde profundos conocimientos de PHP, MYSQL Javascript y Nodejs los cuales garantizan el desarollo de soluciones estables y eficientes a la medida de tu necesidad

Linux Support

System Administrator

My advanced knowledge of Linux is vital for the development of all my project.I have over 20 years of experience in Linux server administration and networking. I have worked extensively and deeply with the most popular distributions: Ubuntu, CentOS, and OpenSUSE among others.

Bradley Erickson

UI/UX Designer

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Let's work together!

My level of professionalism and dedication to my work is something that characterizes me; I am a person committed to quality .